If you buy a well-maintained classic car, you will probably spend time restoring it. If you are using the car day-to-day, you will need to make periodic mechanical repairs at least. If you are planning on entering your car in classic car shows you will need to make a more involved restoration. Having a plan can simplify this complex task.
Most judges at shows look primarily at the exterior features of a classic car, so if you are showing, put some time into making the chrome sparkle and the paint job gleam. Also keep the interior clean, and reupholster the seats if necessary.
Disassembly and reassembly are tedious and slow processes. As classic car parts are rare, if you need to replace a part, you may have to wait considerable time until a part is found or reproduced. Be prepared for a considerable investment of time.
Take photos every step of the way to document the restoration process. This will help with reassembly if you arrange the photos in an album with notes. This will serve as your restoration story when you show the car. Before-and-after photos are also valuable documentation if decide to sell your vehicle.